01 June 2023

Newsletter - June 2023

Dear Fellow Loriners,

It has to be said that, personally, I am still incredibly excited by the success of our Coronation Banquet at Mansion House. I am sure you will agree that it was the most magnificent occasion and one to be remembered for a long time. To those who were able to attend and to those who worked so hard to make it happen, thank you. 

This edition is longer than usual. There has been a lot going on! We have updates on the Inter Livery Clay Shooting event, two well renowned Golf tournaments, a social gathering of our ‘Younger Loriners’ and a visit that I made, together with Past Master Mary-Jane Atkinson, to the British Youth Dressage Centre in Wales. In the next edition, I will have great pleasure in reporting on the King’s Birthday Parade Review, which I attended last week.

As I mentioned in my speech at the banquet, on behalf of our Company, I wrote to His Majesty the King to offer our loyal felicitations on the occasion of his Coronation. I also informed both him and HRH The Princess Royal that, to mark this historic occasion, our Worshipful Company is to make a donation to the Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre. Our donation will be presented at the Summer Court Lunch on 13th July. 

Charity is at the very heart of all Livery Companies and, for the Loriners, there is great number of equine-related organisations for which even a relatively small grant can make a big difference. I would therefore like to reiterate what I said in my speech. I would like to ask all of you to consider your support of our Loriners Charitable Trust, whether it is through contributions, a single donation or by monthly payment. In order for us to provide the much needed aid for so many worthy equestrian causes, we do need your help. Thank you.

Colin Gurley, Master 2022/23

Young Loriners Gather in Historic City Setting

On 19th April, we saw the first in a series of quarterly events aimed at getting conversations started among our 'Younger Loriners'. The evening was organised by Liveryman Behram Nasir in the relaxed and historic Williamson's Tavern, off Bow Lane. Said to hold the oldest excise licence in the City, the original tavern was originally a residence for the Lord Mayors of London and King William III and Queen Mary were known to have dined there. It dates to the 17th century, not long after the Great Fire of London and was rebuilt in the 1930s. 

Our gathering was attended by several Young Loriners and their friends, all of whom had a great opportunity to get to know one another less formally over a glass or two of their favourite tipple.

The evening was attended by the Master himself, Colin Gurley, whose generous support was greatly welcomed and appreciated. The evening was also supported by the Company, which generously donated money to help with the bill.

Behram would like to thank Miranda Challoner and Bogdan Zaha for their support in boosting the evening’s attendance as well as our diligent Clerk, Crispin Lockhart, and Liveryman Lauren Morton for promoting the event.

The next event will hopefully take place in the iconic Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment Officers’ Mess, starting with a quick tour of the barracks before returning to the Mess for drinks. The Company would like to encourage as many of the younger Loriners as possible to attend. Please feel free to bring along friends and/or prospective Young Loriners to enjoy great company and learn more about the Company. Look out for more information in due course and please spread the word…

Liveryman Behram Nasir

Inter Livery Charity Clay Shoot

Liverymen of The Worshipful Company of Loriners participated in the Inter Livery Charity Clay Shoot at West London Shooting School on Thursday 18th May. The shoot was started in 1993 and is very successful in raising funds for charities nominated by the winning teams, as well as a donation to the Lord Mayor’s charity. It is attended by teams of four representing more than 55 Livery Companies.

The Company’s top team was comprised of Ollie and Bobby Bensted-Smith, Royston Fox and James Norman (stand in team member). We shot well and finished in a very respectable place of 80th out of 126 teams, with a total score of 231 smashed out of a possible 400 clays! We were joined by Past Master Chris Walton, who kindly accompanied us around the ground and cheered us on for both good and bad shooting! We even managed to shoot the two orange clays in the flush, with a suitable fine of £40, which was for the Gamekeeper’s Welfare Trust; a very deserving charity that supports gamekeepers, stalkers and ghillies. We finished the day with a most enjoyable buffet lunch and an opportunity to chat to members of other Livery Companies about the clays that got away!

Liveryman Ollie Bensted-Smith

Loriners' Golfing Achievements

Prince Arthur Cup Golf Tournament

The Inter Livery Golf Tournament, The Prince Arthur Cup, took place at Walton Heath in Surrey on 18th May. The Prince Arthur Cup is the largest one-day, two-course, amateur tournament in the UK and was first held in Walton Heath in 1927. It is a 36 hole of Pairs Foursomes Bogey/Par competition, played in teams made up of two pairs and, this year, the Company was represented By Past Master Peter English and Liverymen Peter Long, Andre Wilkins and Malcolm Wright. 

Following an early start with a bacon roll and coffee, our teams started on the New Course, followed by lunch and another of round on the Old Course and afternoon tea. Our gallant teams battled two very tough courses, the same courses used for the USGA PGA Championship qualification, which took place just two days before. Thanks to the performance of Past Master Peter English and Liveryman Andre Wilkins, who were well up the field for the pairs, the Loriners finished a very respectable 19th out of a total of 42 Livery teams. With immaculate courses and fine weather, the day was a great success for all. Details and history of the tournament can be found at http://www.princearthurcup.co.uk

World Traders Golf Day at Woldingham Golf Club

Following an invitation from the Worshipful Company of World Traders, Peter Long our Golf Co-Ordinator and Organiser, gathered an intrepid team made up of Past Master Peter English, David Horder, Malcolm Wright and Guest Clive Hadley to represent the Loriners at the World Traders Golf Day on 22nd May. Clive Hadley is also a former Captain of the Golf Managers Society. 

Along with many other Livery Companies, we were welcomed to a very well organised golf day on a well-presented course with good weather. Each of our team members had a really successful round of golf, which resulted in the Lorinsers finishing in 4th place, with a score 126 points, best three out of four on countback from the third-place team. Our Past Master Peter English also came second in the individual competition on countback, with an exceptional 46 points. The presentation was followed by lunch.

There are many events we can enter and we are always grateful for more support. Please contact Peter Long Email: peter_long@ntlworld.com if you are interested in representing the Company.

Loriners' Golf Day, 7th August 2023

Our own Loriners’ Golf Day will take place at Sundridge Park Golf Club in Kent on Monday 7th August. The Stableford Competition will have prizes for best team, best card, best lady and best Loriner score. There will also be Nearest the Pin prizes.

Surplus funds raised from the event will benefit Loriner charities, including Riding for the Disabled, which is committed to providing life-changing experiences for disabled children and adults across the UK.

Liveryman Malcolm Wright

Master’s Charity Zoom Meeting

On 30th May, we saw the second Company Zoom Event of the year, with the evening dedicated to looking at the impact that our charitable donations make on just some of the organisations we support. After a brief introduction from the Master, we were joined by representatives from two of our selected charities: Treloar’s School and The Ebony Horse Trust.

Past Master Mary-Jane Atkinson kindly introduced Nicola Doran from Treloar’s School, who had created a very moving video showing the work that they undertake at the school. The school is one of the country’s leading providers of education, care, therapy, medical support and independence training for disabled young people and the Company is very proud to be able to give it just a fraction of the financial support it needs to operate.

Next was The Ebony Horse Trust, where Court Assistant Nick Athienitis introduced Sid Holdsworth, who explained how the Trust uses horses to raise the education, life skills, wellbeing and aspirations of young people from disadvantaged communities within Lambeth. Again, it was very inspirational presentation and showed the demonstrable impact that just a small donation can have.

Court Assistant Debra Moorby-Connolly also provided some context in terms of the number of Loriners who contribute to the Loriners’ Charitable Trust. Sadly, it is a low proportion and if any Loriner would like to contribute, please contact the Clerk who will be able to assist. More than 30 Loriners joined for the evening. As stated previously, if you would like to donate to the Loriners’ Charitable Trust then please contact the Clerk.

Col. Crispin Lockhart, Clerk

British Youth Dressage - Wales

On 29th May, the Master accompanied, by Past Master Mary-Jane Atkinson, visited Bridgend in Wales where our Journeyman and Bitting Consultant Carla Humphrey gave a presentation to two enthusiastic groups of young dressage riders ranging in age from ten to 16 years old. The Master introduced each session with a short explanation of the Loriners’ Company and of the charities that we support. The youngsters then listened intently to Carla’s presentation as she explained the pros and cons of various bits and the impact of a bit on a horse’s mouth. A large selection of bits that Carla had brought with her were passed around, while Carla expertly answered many lively and interesting questions. This was an extremely worthwhile visit, promoting the Loriners and our education remit, as well as an opportunity to cement our previous liaison with British Youth Dressage - Wales. Very many thanks to Carla for her expertise and her work for the Loriners.

Past Master Mary-Jane Atkinson

Messages from The Clerk 

By the time you read this we will have just held our Coronation Banquet at Mansion House. With some 240 guests attending, it was a fantastic turnout. I hope our Members and their guests had as much fun as I did and admired the soldiers and cadets, who always make the evening so special. This was the 3rd ‘sell out’ event of the year and it is now time to turn our attention to what’s coming up next:

13th July will see the Summer (Awards) Lunch

18th October - the Autumn Dinner

3-5th November - our Charity Weekend on the Isle of Wight

Communications Committee - June 2023

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